Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Korbyn is a big brother now!!

July 6th, 2011 we welcomed Kayson Cole Barber into this world and our family. Korbyn was over anxious to meet his "Baby Kayson" as he waited in the waiting room with our neighbors, Nick & Barbara. I dont have any pictures of the wait....but I do have pictures of him when I got to a room and Korbyn got to come in and meet and hold his baby brother for the first time...
He was waiting so patiently...
Finally they meet! :) Korbyn was pretty speechless,
just amazed that this was "his" baby and he wanted to "take him home".

Curtis is proud to be a daddy AGAIN.
Crazy how we only get boys..
and both of our families are filled with girls

Uncle Travis came to meet Kayson

Day 2...Korbyn was ready to hold him again.
He is a good big brother.

Finally July 9,'s time to bring Kayson home,
and Korbyn holds him while Curtis and I get everything gathered up.

1 week family came to visit.
Korbyn was the CENTER of attention (which he loved)!

He loves his Aunt Chelsey..

and his Aunt "Ne-Ne" Tiffany

got to roast marshmallows (on the stove) with Nana!!!

Our first family photo
I love my boys. I am so blessed....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Alot of time has passed......

So much time has passed since I have updated everyone on Korbyn and our life.

Korbyn just turned 3 years old, May 7th.
He has mastered potty training and wears undies day & night with no issues/accidents!

& he is about to be a BIG BROTHER! We are having another boy, Kayson Cole. A c-section is scheduled for July 15th at noon (unless he decides he would like to make an earlier appearance). I do believe this is the last baby for us, but we are not making any "permanent" decisions quite yet. I believe Korbyn is pretty excited about having a brother. He always says to me "I want to feel your baby Kayson" and "can I lay with baby Kayson?" (and rest his head on my belly). I can only hope he is that sweet to the baby when he is actually here.

We have been going through a pretty "independent" stage with Korbyn. If he doesn't do EVERYTHING himself there are major fits. This includes shutting every door, flushing the toilet, turning the tv on, etc. When he does these things by himself everything is right with the world.

As for Curtis and I, we celebrated our 4 year anniversary March 21, 2011. Time has really flown by. Just enjoying life and the time we have left to give Korbyn individual attention before Kayson arrives. I have no complaints about life and the way things are going right now. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

What you may have missed......

Well, I have been HORRIBLE about keeping this blog updated. Korbyn is turning 2 next month and I know I have said it a million times, but I can not believe how big he has gotten. Over the last few months:

*We have gotten Korbyn a St. Bernard puppy named Koda who he absolutely adores & I think its safe to say Koda adores Korbyn as well. Korbyn is 26lbs and Koda is 35lbs. Think Korbyn will ever catch up? I think not!

*We had to take Curtis to the airport for yet another deployment, that he is still on by the way. Walking away with Korbyn absolutely broke my heart into a million pieces. I wanted to turn around and watch Curtis until I couldn't see him anymore, but I just couldn't do it to myself or Korbyn. So instead I sat in my car in the parking lot of the airport for 30 minutes crying, after Korbyn cried himself to sleep.

*We had a great visit from Aunt Taylor, or as Korbyn calls her "Aunt Tay". We got to do lots of fun stuff while she was here.
We went to the beach
(although it was a little too cold still and Korbyn hated every second we were there). We went to the park, and that was a different story, he screamed when we had to leave. He would have stayed there all day.

*Korbyn started daycare for the first time EVER and I started a new job for the first time since I was pregnant with Korbyn. Leaving him has been hard, I don't like it at all & I thought he would cry for a few minutes when I left him, but NO! He cries the WHOLE day EVERYDAY!!! This week he should do a little better because he will be with a friend of ours instead of his regular daycare provider. Then its back to the first babysitter, so it will be like day 1-4 all over again. He isn't understanding why Daddy left and now Mommy is too! I have never seen him so excited in my life as when I come pick him up though. He gets so excited he starts crying hysterically, waving as fast as he can, and jumping up and down. It makes me sad, but I think everyday gets a little better. So hopefully this next week will go smoothly.

*We had a fun Easter today. We went to church and spent the day with our friends, Chris & Angelica and their little boy, Cayden (who is 1 yr older than Korbyn). Korbyn & Cayden had lots of fun coloring on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk, decorating Easter eggs and then hunting the eggs. Korbyn thought they were balls at first and was finding them and throwing them as hard as he could, but he soon caught on that he was supposed to find them and put them in his basket. But, of course, as soon as his basket was full, he dumped his eggs out on the ground so he could pick them up again.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Daddy's Home!!!

Curtis finally returned from Bahrain last night at 6:30pm after 6 months over there. Korbyn and I spent all day anxiously waiting. Korbyn kept saying "daddy" all day, and when it was after noon, he started getting quite fussy (probably because I started getting impatient). So at 6pm we finally drove over to the gate on base where he would arrive. Korbyn heard the plane, looked over and with a smile on his face yelled "DADDY". Of course, while waiting on Curtis to get off the plane, Korbyn peed on Tami (a friend of ours). So we had to go to the car (parked like a mile away-seemed like) and change his diaper and clothes. I guess it was perfect timing though, because as soon as we got back to the gate, Curtis was walking out. Korbyn couldn't stop loving on him, although he didn't have much to say. He was just taking it all in I guess. It blows my mind how much they look alike. Its almost scary. They are identical. Korbyn kept hugging Curtis and patting him on the back. It was really sweet. They really missed each other, I also missed Curtis as well. It was nice to finally be together as a FAMILY again. Of course, Curtis really has his days and nights mixed up. So we went to sleep about 9 or 10pm and then Curtis was up at 1am. I woke up because he was sitting up on the computer, and I am not ready to miss one second with him, so I couldn't sleep either. Korbyn woke up about 3am. Curtis got him out of bed, and brought him to our bed, where he wasn't so sure about Curtis touching him or holding him. So I took over. Curtis tried to put his hand on Korbyn, but Korbyn pushed his hand away (he is a cranky boy when he wakes up in the middle of the night). However, today he is a real daddy's boy! He wants his daddy in his sight and he wants to be held by him alot. He is warming up, but definately remembers him. i can tell he really missed him. Thank god that Curtis made it home safely & that our family is back together!!!! Now to prepare for our move to Virginia.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

where does time go?

It literatelly seems like yesterday when Curtis came home from Bahrain and I was nearly 7 months pregnant, still waiting on Korbyn to get here. Curtis is now getting ready to end his second tour to Bahrain, and Korbyn is 17 and a half months old. Where did all that time go? It is amazing how fast he has grown up, and how grown up he really is. In addition to everything he has been saying...He now says "uh oh" "no" (like it is going out of style), "kitty" "grandma" (more like DAM-MAW), "drink", "Hella" (aka Hello) "yeah", he can tell you exactly how a snake goes on command. "How does a snake go Korbyn?" and you instantly hear "Ssssss!" Snakes have always been his favorite animal. Lets just hope he never finds one to bring in my house! Cause I will freak! Snakes are my least favorite animal..I don't even like the fake ones (I say that with no exaggeration--ask my husband). Korbyn misses his daddy quite a bit. Over the last 6 months I have woken up to Korbyn crying "daddy", and it breaks my heart. But that is something we have to deal with as long as Curtis is in the military. Deployments are part of the job description as much as we hate it. But this deployement will come to an end in less than 3 weeks now. So as you can imagine, Korbyn and I are extremely excited to see Curt. I added the picture of all of us right before Curtis left. Korbyn was 11 months old.

Monday, July 13, 2009

So it's been a while.......

It has been a LONG time since I have gotten on here. Sorry. I have had my hands pretty full with my 14 month old. He is a mess. getting into EVERYTHING. He is now a walking toddler. He still falls alot, but is getting better. He just started last month. He now says "mommy", "Daddy", "Nana", "no no", "yeah", "hey", "hi", "bye", and at times he will just spit out phrases like "umm good" and "I can go". The week he started walking he walked to my sister and said "I did it!"

I love my baby boy! He has definately got a little attitude. But he has the sweetest side in the world. Can still melt hearts. I know he always will! :)

It is definately not easy being without Curtis. I sometimes feel like a single parent (well at the time I guess I am)...Definately not by choice. I can't wait for Curtis to come home. It's been a little over 2 months now (4 left) YUCK! Time has really slowed down as far as this deployment goes. Seems to be going by fast as far as Korbyn growing up. I don't have any pictures of him on my computer but I do have videos...I am going to attempt to add one at the end of this......don't be too mad if it doesn't work. This is not the video I was trying to load by the way, so I will try a new one...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

2nd MRI.....

This past Monday we had a 2nd MRI to see where we stand on Korbyn's situation.....I got a phone call from the doctor yesterday morning, and it wasn't what I have been praying to hear. Korbyn still has encephalitis (which is swelling of the brain--definately not good). They also discovered 2 more spots that are unidentified as to what they are right now. We will have to go to the Children's Hospital in May for a follow up and I expect another MRI soon after that appointment. It's a mild case, so the dr's aren't overly concerned. He looks and plays like a normal 11 month old, and is actually doing more than he is supposed to for his age. I have faith that God will cure this in time (HOPE that it will be soon).

On another note, Curtis is leaving next weekend to go overseas for 6 months. Not excited about that.... :( I will miss him alot, but so I can still see him everyday, he bought me a new labtop with a built in webcam! :)