Well, I have been HORRIBLE about keeping this blog updated. Korbyn is turning 2 next month and I know I have said it a million times, but I can not believe how big he has gotten. Over the last few months:
*We have gotten Korbyn a St. Bernard puppy named Koda who he absolutely adores & I think its safe to say Koda adores Korbyn as well. Korbyn is 26lbs and Koda is 35lbs. Think Korbyn will ever catch up? I think not!
*We had to take Curtis to the airport for yet another deployment, that he is still on by the way. Walking away with Korbyn absolutely broke my heart into a million pieces. I wanted to turn around and watch Curtis until I couldn't see him anymore, but I just couldn't do it to myself or Korbyn. So instead I sat in my car in the parking lot of the airport for 30 minutes crying, after Korbyn cried himself to sleep.
*We had a great visit from Aunt Taylor, or as Korbyn calls her "Aunt Tay". We got to do lots of fun stuff while she was here.
We went to the beach (although it was a little too cold still and Korbyn hated every second we were there). We went to the park, and that was a different story, he screamed when we had to leave. He would have stayed there all day.
*Korbyn started daycare for the first time EVER and I started a new job for the first time since I was pregnant with Korbyn. Leaving him has been hard, I don't like it at all & I thought he would cry for a few minutes when I left him, but NO! He cries the WHOLE day EVERYDAY!!! This week he should do a little better because he will be with a friend of ours instead of his regular daycare provider. Then its back to the first babysitter, so it will be like day 1-4 all over again. He isn't understanding why Daddy left and now Mommy is too! I have never seen him so excited in my life as when I come pick him up though. He gets so excited he starts crying hysterically, waving as fast as he can, and jumping up and down. It makes me sad, but I think everyday gets a little better. So hopefully this next week will go smoothly.
*We had a fun Easter today. We went to church and spent the day with our friends, Chris & Angelica and their little boy, Cayden (who is 1 yr older than Korbyn). Korbyn & Cayden had lots of fun coloring on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk, decorating Easter eggs and then hunting the eggs. Korbyn thought they were balls at first and was finding them and throwing them as hard as he could, but he soon caught on that he was supposed to find them and put them in his basket. But, of course, as soon as his basket was full, he dumped his eggs out on the ground so he could pick them up again.
*We have gotten Korbyn a St. Bernard puppy named Koda who he absolutely adores & I think its safe to say Koda adores Korbyn as well. Korbyn is 26lbs and Koda is 35lbs. Think Korbyn will ever catch up? I think not!
*We had to take Curtis to the airport for yet another deployment, that he is still on by the way. Walking away with Korbyn absolutely broke my heart into a million pieces. I wanted to turn around and watch Curtis until I couldn't see him anymore, but I just couldn't do it to myself or Korbyn. So instead I sat in my car in the parking lot of the airport for 30 minutes crying, after Korbyn cried himself to sleep.
*We had a great visit from Aunt Taylor, or as Korbyn calls her "Aunt Tay". We got to do lots of fun stuff while she was here.
We went to the beach (although it was a little too cold still and Korbyn hated every second we were there). We went to the park, and that was a different story, he screamed when we had to leave. He would have stayed there all day.
*Korbyn started daycare for the first time EVER and I started a new job for the first time since I was pregnant with Korbyn. Leaving him has been hard, I don't like it at all & I thought he would cry for a few minutes when I left him, but NO! He cries the WHOLE day EVERYDAY!!! This week he should do a little better because he will be with a friend of ours instead of his regular daycare provider. Then its back to the first babysitter, so it will be like day 1-4 all over again. He isn't understanding why Daddy left and now Mommy is too! I have never seen him so excited in my life as when I come pick him up though. He gets so excited he starts crying hysterically, waving as fast as he can, and jumping up and down. It makes me sad, but I think everyday gets a little better. So hopefully this next week will go smoothly.
*We had a fun Easter today. We went to church and spent the day with our friends, Chris & Angelica and their little boy, Cayden (who is 1 yr older than Korbyn). Korbyn & Cayden had lots of fun coloring on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk, decorating Easter eggs and then hunting the eggs. Korbyn thought they were balls at first and was finding them and throwing them as hard as he could, but he soon caught on that he was supposed to find them and put them in his basket. But, of course, as soon as his basket was full, he dumped his eggs out on the ground so he could pick them up again.