Korbyn is waving now, but it's not a real wave, when he sees anyone his hand goes straight up in the air and he will hold it there for a while. HA! As if they don't see him or get the point! Also today while I was watching him play he was trying to crawl around and all of the sudden he stands up on his feet (with his hands still on the floor of course) for a good 5 seconds or more. I finally got a picture, it was the cutest thing I have ever seen and the bravest thing he has ever done (so far)! :) I am just overly amazed at the things he does. I will try to get a picture of him waving as soon as I catch him doing it again.
It is crazy how such a little thing like a smile or a babble can just melt your heart. But it does everytime I look at his little face and he smiles at me or every little word he tries to say. I love my little boy more than I could ever imagine loving anyone. He is so tiny, but yet, has soo much of my heart. I am so grateful to have the chance to be able to stay home with Korbyn and spend all the time I can with him. It is a hard job and sometimes it is so stressful I want to pull my hair out but I would not change it for the world. I am also thankful for Curtis for allowing me to stay home and for supporting our family so well. He is the best husband and daddy in the world. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else in my life right now. I am perfectly happy right where I am. With an amazing husband and a beautiful little boy.