Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blue Angels

Yesterday we took Korbyn to see the Blue Angels airshow. He is still too little to enjoy that kind of stuff though, but we still all had fun. He is doing alot better. He would be 100% if he didn't catch this dang cold. He has had a runny nose for the past few days. I took him to the dr but they said it's just allergies. (Everyone has them down here now...even me. YUCK!) Korbyn got a little, tiny sunburn on his face, and I got a sunburn everywhere. Shows how much sunblock really does work. Korbyn had it on (except on his face. Not sure what I was thinking not putting it on his face as soon as we got there, I waited too long I guess, he did have it on, just not at first).

Of course it was really without his hat, this is what he looked like......ha! It was funny too cause we had to buy him headphones for his ears, cause the jets fly right over the top of the crowd, and it is LOUD! He looked so cute in his headphones.

1 comment:

  1. Glad Korbyn is feeling better and out having fun he is such a cutie!
